Concession Stand

The cost of youth sports is continually on the rise! Registration and fundraising fees cover only a portion of the costs of providing youth hockey. PAHA Concessions ensure additional revenue to offset the cost that registration fees fall short of covering. Proctor Hockey Association requires that all parents/guardians work in the concession stand for each of their registered players.


  1. Families will be required to fulfill 14 hours of concessions per player for the season
  2. Families will be required to write a check in the amount of $225 per player to PAHA to be held for the season to cover the required volunteer time. This is required for both PAHA and PAHA registered Mirage players.
  3. Checks will NOT be cashed if ALL required hours are fulfilled.
  4. If only partial hours are fulfilled, checks will be cashed. No refunds for only partial hours completed.
  5. Families may buy out their volunteer obligations in which case PAHA will cash the check. If you chose to buy out, notify your level coordinator ASAP.
  6. Jerseys will not be given out until your check has been collected
  7. You must work at least one shift before 12/31/22, otherwise we will assume you are buying out and cash your check.
  8. Anyone over the age of 16 can complete the required hours.
  9. Each level will be assigned certain weeks throughout the season where they will have priority sign up to cover those concession shifts. The week assigned run Monday – Sunday.
  10. If there are still open shifts on the Friday before your level’s week starts, the shift opportunity will open up to the association.
  11. You will have up to 48 hours to cancel or change your shift.
  12. If you cannot make your assigned shift and it’s within the 48 hours deadline, you will be required to find a replacement.
  13. If you fail to find a replacement and that shift goes unfilled, meaning the concession stays closed, you will be charged for that shift through your assessments.
  14. There will be a BUY OUT list for people who would like to be paid to pick up extra shifts. If you can’t make your shift, you can call one of these people to work it for you and pay them yourself or workout some incentive and you will still get the credit. Please reach out to your coordinator for assistance.
  15. PAHA will also use this list if they are required to fill any empty shifts.
  16. If you as a parent chose to be on the buyout list, you cannot buy out of your own hours’ obligations. You must fulfill all of your required hours first.
  17. Shifts worked during your team’s home tournament weekend will count toward the required hours.
  18. However, you will still need to complete required tournament obligations for your team’s home tournament. It takes everyone to volunteer to make the tournament successful!
  19. Parents who are volunteering their time in an additional role such as a board member, coach, coordinator, or manager will receive a credit of 4 hours toward the allotted hours to be filled. This is maxed at one credit per parent per player.
  20. If there are two parents in additional roles and only 1 player, only one credit of 4 hours will be applied.
  21. If there are two parents in additional roles and 2 players, 2 credits of 4 hours for a total of 8 hours will be applied.
  22. Concessions will be open for practices, games, and tournaments.
  23. Games/Tournaments: the concessions will stay open until the lobby clears
  24. Please let your coordinator know if you had to stay a significant amount of time after your shift due to the traffic at concessions.
  25. Practices: the concessions will stay open until the end time on the shift which is after the last practice starts.
  26. If you are sick, feel sick, or waiting on a test result, find someone to cover your shift or cancel your Dibs request.
  27. Any questions regarding concession hours, sign-ups, etc should be directed to the level coordinator.
  28. We will be using DIBS in Sports Engine to sign up for shifts. This is accessed by going to
  29. You will need to be signed into Sports Engine in order to claim a shift.
  30. The number under the “credit” column is the amount of hours that will go toward your total requirement.
  31. Please do not try to sign up/fulfill all of your required hours in your level’s first week. Everyone needs to have an opportunity to get a shift or two in.

Concession Stand Hours

Concession hours vary, and will be set by the Concession Coordinator. The concession stand typically opens at 5:00 pm on weeknights, but must open at least 30 minutes prior to games if earlier than that time. The concession stand must stay open for 30 minutes after every game ends or until the lobby clears (whichever happens first). This means that if a game were to go into overtime and run longer than the posted hours, the concession stand must remain open.

Concession Stand Shift Procedures

  • The zamboni driver will open the concession stand for you. 
  • When you have signed up for the opening or closing shift, please follow the opening and closing guidelines that are posted in the concession stand. There is a binder with opening and closing forms to complete. Money must be counted in and out.
  • Guidelines for the amount of food to prep and how to use food machines are posted in the concession.
  • With hockey being played during the cold and flu season, it is very important to wash hands frequently. Also, when handling unwrapped food, it is mandatory that everyone wears plastic gloves.
  • No one under the age of 16 years of age is allowed to be inside of the concession stand area due to safety, liability, and regulations. 

Weekend Outdoor Rink Snow Removal

On Friday and Saturday, the team that is scheduled for the concession stand, is responsible for snow removal on those nights/day.

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